Monday, August 25, 2008

Fleet Foxes, The Magical Mystery Tour and Fables of the Reconstruction

There are 3 albums to report today.

  1. Emmie was a bit crabby this morning, so I laid her down in front of the record player and put in Fleet Foxes' self titled album, Fleet Foxes. She immediately quieted down. In particular, she liked the song Tiger Mountain Peasant Song.
  2. Next we turned back the clock to 1985 with R.E.M.'s junior release (senior if you count Chronic Town), Fables of the Reconstruction. This was one of the first actual CDs that I ever bought. I had some cassettes, but this was among the first CDs.
  3. Last, before Julianne got home and I headed off to work, we tried out The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour. I'm becoming increasingly confident in saying that this was the Beatles' best album. Just check out the track listing! With the exception of Blue Jay Way, an ok, but not standout track, the entire album is unbelievable. Surprisingly, Emmie seemed to really like I am the Walrus. I'm not sure what this says about her yet-to-be-seen personality. Nonsensical lyrics for a nonsensical baby? Perhaps.

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